Characteristics Of Orientalism, Prejudice, And Dis

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Characteristics of Orientalism, Prejudice, and Discrimination Muslims are a type of people who accept the Islamic religion. Muslims use many different languages because they reside all over the world. Muslims come from all over the world but mainly from Asia. Arab is a type of ethnicity or nationality. Arabs only use the primary language of Arabic. Arabs usually originate from the Middle East especially from Iraq, Syria, Iran and Saudi. Since September 11, United States has enabled many policies. The United States placed more consideration to certain ethnic groups because they could possibly be dangerous to the U.S. There have been changes under the terrorist laws on how someone can detain a suspected person. A policy change that has occurred is the Justice Department allowing the FBI to investigate Americans without evidence of anything wrong they believe they did that could single out Muslims and Arabs. Under this change, the FBI would be authorized to consider race and ethnicity when opening a case and are able to ask any questions about American Muslims and Arab-Americans. This could be a lead in a case if a person's employment or background is labeled as a suspect by the government. Orientalism is a sympathy or adoption of characteristics of the orient (the east). Examples of this come from the cultural influences such as performance art, fashion, painting, sculpture, and literature. The ones that commit hate crimes are usually in poverty state and are not educated enough to be exposed to it. Prejudice is almost the definition of hate crime. The best way to advertise any type of tolerance and reduce prejudice is to make awareness and education noticeable and accessible. If people knew more about other cultures and races, then they would be more informed and aware of another’s cultural differences. Silvia Costa Standard Eastern

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