Characteristics and Skill of Mental Health Human Service Worker

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Being an individual who is fueled by a burning desire to help has served as the catalyst that has catapulted me into the human service field. As a child I constantly observed my parents do everything within their power to help people. It seemed as if it were almost subconscious that this type of lifestyle was inevitable for me. I can remember one scorching hot summer day as we had just left church and an elderly lady was broken down along the road. I was hungry, hot and tired and simply wanted to go home but of course this was out of the question. After about an hour of sitting in a blistering hot car while my father tinkered with the lady’s car, the car finally decided to start. As we began to embark upon our journey home I mustered up enough courage to pose the question, what do you guys get out of always helping people? My mother looked at my father with adoring admiration and they both smiled at me and said that helping people is their purpose in life. They went into a great deal of detail as to how they were intricately designed by God to help people along the way. This seemed too much at the time for my six year old mind to be able to comprehend so I simply clutched my GI Joe action figure and endured the remainder of the ride home. Looking back on my life I see that most of what I deemed as foolishness coming from the mouth of my now deceased parents can now be viewed as pertinent information that was so profound and full of wisdom. As I matured I too found myself always in positions of wanting to help people. As a young man in his early 20’s, I felt that if I was able to be of some sort of assistance to my fellow-man I could not only fulfill my purpose but hopefully change the world, one person at a time. As I lived a little more I discovered the grim truth that it was not my job to be some sort of super hero and save the

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