Chapter 5 Essay

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2. . Give an example of a column A and a column B such that B is functionally dependent on A. Give an example of a column C and a column D such that D is not functionally dependent on C. Student ‘s address is dependent on the student’s number. The student’s address is not dependent on the student’s name. 4. Define candidate key. A candidate key is a column or a collection of columns on which all columns in the table are functionally dependent; the defini-tion for primary key also defines a candidate key. 6. Define second normal form. What types of problems would you find in tables that are not in second normal form? A table is in second normal form if it is in first form and no non-key column is dependent on only a portion of the primary key. If a table isn’t in second normal form, redundant data will cause wasted space and update problems. A major problem can occur with inconsistent data. 8. Define fourth normal form. What types of problems would you find in tables that are not in fourth normal form? A table is in fourth normal form if it is in third normal form and there are no multivalued dependencies. If a table isn’t in fourth normal form, redundant data will cause space to be wasted and problems in updating. A major problem can occur with inconsistent data. 10. Consider a Student table containing StudentNum, StudentName, student’s StudentMajor, student’s AdvisorNum, student’s AdvisorName, student’s AdvisorOfficeNum, student’s AdvisorPhone, student’s NumCredits, and stu-dent’s Class (freshman, sophomore, and so on). List the functional dependencies that exist, along with the assumptions that would support those dependencies. StudentNum StudentName, StudentMajor, AdvisorNum, AdvisorName, AdvisorOfficeNum, AdvisorPhone, NumCredits, Class AdvisorNum AdvisorName, AdvisorOfficeNum, AdvisorPhone, NumCredits Class

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