Changing Your Life with Your Drawing Skills

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BARAN UTKU TEKİN 1790013 CHANGING YOUR LIFE WITH YOUR DRAWING SKILLS Drawing is a skill which is one of the most desirable think because it requires a special talent and very special imagination. The people who have this talent can shine amongst others other people . Also , knowing how to draw has some benefits . These benefits can help you in your life and make your life different and easier. The first benefit of knowing how to draw is that it may help you to improve your observation or perspective . Moreover , it may help you to broaden your imagination . That means , every attempt you try helping you to create new things in your life . With these specification , you tend to look at the same from different angles and different situation . All of these things help you to expressing your feelings which you couldn’t say with words which mostly happens on children’s life . Art , which we can classified as a drawing , helps children to express themselves and communicate easily with other children . In other words , some children sometimes have a lack of vocabulary which could be more complex of their thoughts , feelings , and emotions , and not reflecting themselves would be too much frustrating for them . Drawing can help in these situation . Also , it can improve their brain activity better and develop their brain tissues which , the area , represents the learning ability and how to observe and annotate . In addition , especially , younger children who have an inborn defect in their brain and defection due to the accident or past illnesses . To exemplify , one can’t talk or his brain couldn’t their job properly . Knowing how to draw allows them to reflect their emotions and feelings clearly . No other things couldn’t help them more than art. The second benefit of drawing how to draw is that drawing skills get easy your daily life in a
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