Change Management at Apple

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1. Choose one Diagnostic Model (i.e. 6-box, 7S, congruence, or etc.) to apply to the chosen companies. Choose the model which you feel best identifies and measures the relevant aspects of the organization’s performance and therefore the diagnostic choices made will affect your findings. I have enlisted the star model to review the aspects of change activities and actions that have been taken by Apple Inc. And Microsoft Corp. The Star Model helps leaders ensure that change initiatives are driven by a strategy, or a set of strategic business objectives. This option is ideal because it consists of a series of design polices that are controllable by management and can influence employee behavior. It is important to note that the design policy fit into five categories: The first on the list is strategy which determines direction which the companies are headed. The second is structure, which determines the location of the decision-making power. Processes have to do with the flow of information; they are the means of responding to information technologies. Rewards provide motivation and incentives for desired behavior. And finally, the selection and development of the right people allow the organization to operate at maximum efficiency (Palmer , Dunford, & Akin , 2009). One of the main reason why I procured this model is because a great emphasis is placed on the strategy. The strategy is the brain of the operation and it must be functional in order for the organization to move forward. Microsoft and Apple are major corporations that rely solely on a strategy to navigate and adopt to the changing technologies in the industry. The Star Model helps ensure that leaders are not blindsided by resistance in hidden areas and that opportunities for performance improvement are optimized. Now selecting a CEO is not a trivial task, it has to be strategic because the future
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