Challenges of Islam

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Islam, like any religion, is facing challenges to evolve and adjust to modernity and in particular to the economic and cultural power of a dominant West. What issues are confronting Muslims in a modern globalized world? Being a Muslim in the twenty-first century, we have to deal with current challenges and try to find our way. We rely on the past, we rely on great scholars, but we also have new challenges and this is up to us to try to find the way towards faithfulness. The great problem of the Muslims today is a psychological crisis based on the lack of knowledge and lack of deep understanding of the spiritual dimension of our religion. The way we translate the concept of Islam is wrong, the notion of Islam is wrong and all the terminology and also the way we are understanding the interconnections and the priorities. And I really think that if there is a challenge for us in the twenty-first century here and everywhere to be able to come back to the understanding of our terminology, the priorities and higher objectives of our religion: why are we here, what is the answer of our religion as to the great questions. The first main crisis, the first main ‘how to be a Muslim in the twenty-first century’ is to look at this as it is. That what we need is really to think about how do we transmit the spiritual message of our religion? How in our societies we spread this peace and confidence and trust. Because as the starting point of everything is confidence.Confidence is not only not to be scared by the people. First, of course, for a spiritual mind, for a spiritual message, confidence is to trust Him; al-tawakkul ‘alaLlah. It’s this confidence, it’s the tawakkul. So we have to ask ourselves, how do we do that? How can we do that? It’s not only through... you know, national discourses. These kind of lectures are really important but at the end of the day it’s a daily
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