Challenges of Being an Advocate and Neutral Facilitator

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Challenges of Being an Advocate and Neutral Facilitator A mediator is a mutual third party involved in facilitating and encouraging the communication between parties to solve conflicts or disagreements. An advocate stands up for their belief and the rights of others. A child advocate is the voice for the child and fights for him or her to make sure he or she is safe and properly taken care of. I will explore the ethical, moral, and legal challenges of potential dual relationships as an advocate or mediator. My opinion on the integration of advocacy and mediation within the human services field will also be given. I will identify my personal philosophy and individual approach to advocating and mediating within a specific agency setting such as Planned Parenthood. Challenges of Potential Dual Relationships Disagreements and conflicts arise. Sometimes parties cannot deal with them on our own, so it is sometimes necessary for a mediator to be involved. Ethical, moral, and legal challenges are faced daily as a mediator. The mediator’s role is not to be the decision maker, but to encourage communication so that the parties can reach a solution. It is imperative that a mediator remains neutral and not let his or her own morals, values, and personal beliefs interfere with their obligation to the parties. Legally and ethically, mediators are required to keep information and communication about a case confidential. The parties involved have the right to seek mediation elsewhere if they believe the mediator is biased. Playing a dual role, in my opinion, was cause such bias feelings. Opinion on the Integration of Advocacy and Mediation within the Human Services Field Most individuals are not familiar with their concerning the ins and outs of court or a courtroom setting. Advocates and mediators are equally of necessity by protecting those rights of their
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