Challenges of Being a Parent

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Parenting plays a major role in influencing and developing children. Successful parenting requires parents to have certain qualities and characteristics. Because the behavior of parents influences children, parents must take their responsibility seriously. While we can get advice from books, friends, and family, the ultimate responsibility lies with the parent to raise the child. Parents must hold themselves to a higher standard and set an example for their children. Parents face many challenging responsibilities, but those that stand out are a high sense of morality, safety, and support. A good perspective on life comes from having a high sense of morality. The challenge is passing those moral values to children. The first value that is important to teach is teaching the child appropriate conduct, which includes being polite and respecting others. The second challenge of morality is teaching the child to have discipline. Discipline can include sharing, helping others and dedication. Other principles of morality are having the right values toward what is important in life and what is not. For example, caring for others, may be important while material things may not be important. Another challenge of being a parent is providing children with adequate support at home, in school, and in life. Parents defer many of their own needs and desires in favor of the needs of their children. For a lot of parents, a social life is almost non-existent. It is hard for a parent to have a social life when supporting the children is the number one priority. One major characteristic of support is sending the right message with every word, facial expression, gesture, or action to ensure that the child knows his self-worth. Support at home means providing a roof over their heads, meals, and caring for their well-being. Support at school is also critical to the child’s growth.
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