Causes of Young Criminals

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I want to start by giving you some statistics. There were 1,339 murders last year compared to 1,180 in 2009. A decade ago most murderers were between 30 and 45, but now people aged 18 to 30 account for 41 percent of homicides, a study of 4,000 killers between 1997 and 2010 by the Center for Criminology and Crime Prevention found. One thing they all agree on is that respect for human life has eroded, especially among youngsters, with even random conflicts ending in murders and other serious crimes. There are many causes for youth crime. The causes that I am going to handle are: the first one is lack of parental caring, the second one is education at school, and the last one is negative influences by media. The first factor is lack of parental caring. I think that a lack of guidance and instruction from the family at an early age is the primary cause of the disarray in a youth’s life, especially when they were child. Family plays an enormous role in the shaping of a child's risk for future. Positive family environments can provide a strong base for the development of resilience in adolescent development. Conversely, negative environments can be a significant risk factor for anti-social behavior and offending. If parents do not teach them in the right way, they can have lack of restraint and controllability. Children grow like turnips; they need soil and fertilizer; they need sun and rain. Most of all they need the faith that despite all that’s breaking down around them, they are rooted to the earth. The other cause is as important as family: education at school. How can education lead to youth crime? School is important, not only in equipping a young person with the academic skills to achieve success and happiness. It also teaches pro-social attitudes and skills, helps develop friendships and forms a sense of belonging. All these things contribute to
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