Causes of Load Shedding

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Causes of Load-Shedding And Way to stop it Introductory Speech Actually, Load-Shedding means the discontinuation of the supply of the electricity. In this modern era, electricity dominates our industrial & commercial sector as well as social life. But, now-a-days, Load-shedding becomes a burning question in our day to day life. Our life comes to a stand-still. Either agriculture or industry falls in a great victim. They are in a great economical loss. We must think over this subject seriously & do something immediately to stop it. If we can provide electricity as per demand, our economy will boost up certainly. I think there’s none who can deny with me in this subject. Why Load-shedding is Causing? Our all development efforts hamper a lot for load-shedding. There’s some causes for this. Here’s some of them: 1. Bangladesh is a developing country. Every year, there’s increasing the demand of electricity. But, our natural resources like gas, coila are limited. So, we cant produce enough electricity for want of natural resources. 2. Another problem is economical. To establish a centre for the production of electricity is too expensive. It’s a great bar to stop load-shedding. 3. Bangladesh is one of the most corrupted country in the world. This news is great shame to us. For being corrupted country, the foreign company don’t want to come to this country. Because, they have to pay extra cash to the concerned ministry to get the work. Only for this, our costing increases too. 4. However, every year, transistor & also other parts are being theft a lot in our country. This causes a great damage to us being a poor country alike. 5. Police stands dumb observing this too. Because, all the thieves are under the GOD FATHER of the society. So, police don’t get dare to catch them. That’s why, they feel themselves encouraged to do that. And , for
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