Causes of Infection

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CAUSES AND SPREAD OF INFECTION Outcome one:- The differences between bacteria, virus, fungus and parasites. Bacteria :- they are small single-celled life forms that reproduce quickly and are capable of causing disease. Antibiotics can be used to treat infections caused by bacteria although some can form a protective spore which can make them more resistant to heat and chemicals. The requirements for optimum growth are is a temperature of 37c, water, food, time, oxygen/ no oxygen. Virus:-These are smaller than bacteria and need to be in a living host to cell reproduce, the principal way of control is immunisation, antibiotics are not affective against viral infections. The virus infection can cause things like the common cold, respiratory infections, blood born viruses. Fungus:- This is a low form of vegetable life that can cause disease such as thrush or athletes foot. Parasites:- This can also be called infestation which is the presence of a large number of parasites on a host, the parasites rely on the host for survival,, parasites are things like scabies, head lice and worms, they can be combated by washing bedding on a high temperature and a good cleaning routine. Infection:- This is an invasion by and multiplication of pathogenic, micro-organisms in a bodily part or tissue which could cause harm. Colonisation:- Microbes colonise the human body during birth or shortly afterwards and remain throughout our lives. This is called normal flora and exists without causing harm or disease, normal flora is present in or on most parts of the body, some organs/systems of the body such as the brain, blood and the lungs are intended to remain sterile. Systemic infection:- This is a pathogenic organism that invade the systems of the body via the blood stream the signs and symptoms include muscle aches, nausea and vomiting, headache, and raise
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