Causes and Spread of Infection

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CU254 Causes and Spread of Infection 1.1 Bacteria are living things and are larger than viruses they are neither plant nor animal but belong to a group all by themselves they are small, individually they come in various shapes typically spheres and rods they are complete with organelles and a “skin” cell membrane, harmful bacteria pathogens cause disease that usually start in a specific location but when left untreated can cause septicaemia .Not all bacteria is harmful. Viruses are microscopic pathogens that infect living cells and tissues, viruses are not living things they are complex molecules of proteins and genetic material but they don’t have their own cell structure viruses can’t replicate without infecting a living cell unlike bacteria that has everything it needs to reproduce viruses need living cells in order to replicate. Fungi are multi celled organisms that are similar to plants. Parasites are also multi celled organisms but have more complex cell structure than bacteria they are larger than most bacteria and can been seen under a microscope and sometimes to the naked eye. 1.2 Common illnesses and infection caused by Bacteria include Salmonellosis, MRSA, Food Poisoning tonsilitus, gonorerhea bronchiolitis strep throat syphilis and chlamydia. Viruses – Influenza, common cold warts herpes stomach flu Fungi – thrush (yeast infection) athletes’ foot Parasites – Worms - Malaria 1.3 Infection means an illness caused by growth of a germ on or in a living person it can make you sick signs could be fever, puss from a wound or pneumonia, When germs are commonly found on the body without causing an illness it’s called COLONISATION. 1.4 Systematic means it’s in the bloodstream and its spreading through the body, sepicemia is an example of systematic infection. Localised infection is where it’s restricted to a small area only i.e. infected cut /
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