Cause and Effects of Smoking.

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There have been many campaigns against cigarette smoking stating that it causes death. A threat to health doesn’t seem to be a good reason for quitting anymore. People somehow block themselves and ignore all the information that is given to them. The purpose of this essay is to explain the causes of smoking and the effects of it. Besides the always mentioned possibility of developing lung cancer or dying. Some people need to smoke to calm their nerves or relieve stress, but there are so many other ways to do that without risking your health or possibly dying. Others, like teenagers, smoke because it makes them feel cool or in the loop. When really it’s just gross. Some might feel peer pressured because all of their “cool” friends are smoking. You don’t need to feel cool by smoking. There are probably a lot of other reasons people smoke, but you never know unless you are that person. The first effect of smoking, and probably the one that the non-smokers hate the most, is that it stinks up everything around them. Smokers usually havesmelly hair, breath, clothes, and, if they smoke indoors, a smelly room. The stench of a cigarette is so strong and very hard to get rid of. Even if the person quits smoking the odor remains for a long time. The second effect of smoking is one that most people don’t even take into consideration. It stains the teeth yellow, or sometimes even brown. Since this effect is long term, most people are not aware of it when they begin smoking. The truth is that a cigarette stain is very hard to eliminate from the teeth, and it will probably end up costing a considerable amount of money. Yellow teeth are disgusting because they give an unhygienic image and make people look older. The third effect of smoking is that it will eventually end up affecting the smokers personal economy. Depending on the country the prices of cigarettes can

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