Cause and Effect of Alcoholism

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Cause and Effect of Alcoholism How many times have you heard about the consequences of alcoholism? Have you taken them into account? Alcoholism is one of the major problems in society. The effects of this disease are really serious. Many people get used to drinking alcohol, and they can easily abuse; that is the problem. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the physical, psychological, and economic effects of alcoholism. Alcohol abuse is increasing in our society especially among the younger generation, this issue has many causes and effects. Unfortunately, the person doing the drinking is not the only one who feels the impact of this abuse. It has a profound and direct impact on their families as well as their friends and acquaintances. When you are an alcoholic, even though you may not notice the changes, everyone else around you will. It may start with sudden changes in your behavior such as mood swings. Your judgment may be impaired and you can start to have problems with relationships, be it in your marriage or with your children. Furthermore, you may start to have problems with your job that can lead to obvious financial problems and maybe even legal problems stem from arrests due to bad judgment caused by alcohol. Also other the biggest concerned is your body, such as anemia, which can be brought on by not taking care of yourself physically or nutritionally. Some other common problems can be ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, hallucinations, dementia and even death. These results have wide spread effects on the community. Also other effects such as mental problems, anti-social behaviour or even strong violence. Alcoholics start out or develop alcoholism with one drink and continue until the point of intoxication. Many cases start with the social drinking status, which then develop into heavy drinking. In addition to social drinking, peer pressure plays a

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