Case Study Starbucks

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The Steam of Starbucks in Italy First, we must define the problem it seems that opening; a Starbucks In Milan where they have 600 cafes spots already. (May just be risky.) Italians are making statement like “ one thing we don’t need is to be told by the Americans how to make good coffee”, “Most Italians want real espresso and I don’t think the Americans will change my tastes”. Italians are just not happy with Americans coming in to their subculture to market the way they brew coffee. Therefore, I truly believe, with the Secondary Data that I have colleted from Milan’s coffee shops (internal Data) that Starbucks should do a Joint Venture. Starbucks must try to market the American coffee with the new Bucktaly Brand. (Bucks+Italy = Bucktaly) Where the taste of Starbucks and Italian café meets. Italian coffee is know as very high quality coffee there Barley espresso is a caffeine free alternative to espresso. Italian all-natural barley in the form of espresso that is great with cream, sugar, or any other form that espresso takes. It is a natural and strictly controlled and monitored. Italian import. Agricoltura Biological and Regime di controllo CE. With Starbucks images being a rich, full-body taste and there mission Statement is to provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity. Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way we do business. Then applying the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of there coffee. Are marketers a cause of change? Yes, Starbucks tell me that it faced similar problems When it moved into Japan. Mr. Schultz says, that we have opened more then 150 stores and halved transformed the culture, You cannot walk down the street in Tokyo these days with out seeing someone holding a cup of Starbucks coffee.” Before we opened in Japan you would never walk

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