Case Study in General Psychology

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Technological Institute of the Philippines 363 P. Casal St. Quiapo, Manila Case Study in SOCSC 004 (General Psychology) Case Study 1 I. Case History A. Background Information James Black, a 62-year-old London taxi cab driver had a minor road accident and forced to retire. His wife reported that for more than a decade James had also experienced difficulty smelling. B. Description of the Problem James went to his doctor complaining of memory difficulties and intermittent periods of confusion that he’d been experiencing for 2 years, poor concentration and vision problems and a condition, called hyposmia that was confirmed by olfactory testing. His neurological examination revealed he was suffering from damage to the brain’s frontal lobe. Ultimately, James was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common dementia-causing disorder. C. Diagnosis James’s situation is far from unique. Olfactory loss is not only an early warning sign of AD, but also of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and some other neurological disorders, presenting long before their classic clinical symptoms. Patients with Parkinson’s disease have fewer dopamine tranporters than healthy controls. Because PD patients have associated olfactory loss, smell testing can help diagnosticians differentiate between PD and other neurodegenerative diseases that also show a decline in brain dopamine receptors. Once such symptoms become evident, evaluation of olfactory ability—which is easily performed using commercially available smell tests—can help ensure the correct diagnosis and treatment strategy. II. Intervention Physiological Basis James had a minor road accident that caused him a brain damaged in frontal lobe. This lobe is often cited as the part of the brain responsible for the ability to decide between good and bad choices, as well as recognize the consequences of different actions.

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