Case Study - Human Growth and Development

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Introduction For my case study I have decided to study a 3 year old boy named Ricky Williams. Ricky lives in a council estate with his mother and little sister. His mother and father have recently split up and the father does not have regular visits. Ricky and his family used to live with his grandmother but were re-housed. Ricky has tantrums and seems bored at home. His little sister Michelle is taking his mother’s attention as she is crawling around and always on the go. Throughout this study I hope to identify Ricky Williams’ needs. I hope to outline the needs that are being met as well as those, which are not being met. I will suggest a plan of action which I feel is appropriate for Ricky’s development and his needs. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs In order to get an insight on the needs of Ricky which are being met and not being met, I will explain Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is an important psychological theory originated by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow. This theory is represented by a pyramid. At the bottom of the pyramid is the Basic Needs of a human being. Every human being needs food, water, sleep and warmth. Without one or more of these basic needs, a person cannot function and will never reach self-fulfilment. The next step is the Safety Needs, showing security, order and stability. Security needs are important for survival, examples of these needs can be seen in; a desire for steady employment, shelter from the environment, and stability of resources and income. These two steps together are important for the physical survival of the person. Once individuals accomplish the basic nutrition, shelter and safety, they attempt to accomplish more. The third level of need is Love and Belonging , which are psychological
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