Caribbean People Essay

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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-43544-4 - Liberties Lost: Caribbean Indigenous Societies and Slave Systems Hilary McD. Beckles and Verene A. Shepherd Table of Contents More information Contents Introduction | vi Acknowledgements | viii 1 5 1 | Classical Africa in comparison with Europe | 70 2 | Early African development: African scientific and technological developments | 71 3 | The main West African states in the mid-15th Century: Ghana, Mali and Songhai | 74 4 | The decline of White slavery | 75 5 | The rise of slavery in Africa | 76 6 | The impact of the transatlantic human trade on Africa | 79 The indigenous Caribbean people | 1 1 | The culture of indigenous Caribbean people | 2 2 | The Ciboney | 5 3 | The Taino | 5 4 | The Kalinago | 15 5 | Continental cousins: Maya, Aztec and Inca | 19 2 The European-Caribbean Project | 28 1 | The first ‘American’ journeys before Columbus | 29 2 | Asia and the Crusades | 29 3 | The Portuguese in West Africa | 32 4 | Colonising the islands in the East Atlantic | 33 5 | The Columbus project | 33 3 6 7 The Caribbean economy and enslavement | 99 1 | The sugar revolution | 100 2 | The sugar industry grows | 100 3 | White indentured servants | 101 4 | The planters clamp down | 101 5 | Servant resistance | 101 6 | Enslaved Africans and production | 102 7 | Control of Africans | 111 Other European settlement and rivalry | 51 1 | The challenge to Spanish monopoly by other European nations | 52 2 | The ways in which European nations challenged the Spanish monopoly | 60 3 | The Spanish counter-attack | 63 4 | The resistance of the Kalinago in the Eastern Caribbean | 63 The transatlantic trade in enslaved Africans | 82 1 | The commercial and financial organisation of the trade in humans | 83 2 | Prices and profits in the trade | 84 3 | The debate over the
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