Cardiogenic Shock Essay

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Case Study Of A Patient with Cardiogenic Shock


Cardiogenic shock is characterised by a decreased pumping ability of the heart causing a shock-like state(Brandler, Brown, Sinert, Dire, Talavara, Kazzi & Halamka, 2010). It is a clinical condition in which symptoms like decreased urine output, altered mentation, hypotension,jugular venous distension, cardiac gallop and pulmonary edema occurs.
This paper is the case study of Mr. Smith(name changed), who was admitted to the intensive care unit(ICU) following a cardiogenic shock following a myocardial infarction. The patient will be presented by explaining the his initial admission to the ICU. Relevant pathophysiology of the patient is also used as a reference to explain the interventions of care. The major focus of the study is the prioritised nursing interventions incorporating the various issues and practices grounded in evidence based practice with the support of relevant literature.
Mr. Smith, a 71 yr old man had a chest pain followed by sudden collapse at home which was witnessed by his wife who called the ambulance. On arrival of the ambulance, he was found to have tachypnoea(RR: 30-60bpm), hypotension(BP: 70/40 mm Hg), tachycardia(Heart rate of 110-140bpm), poor peripheral pulses and cool extremities. He was immediately intubated and ventilated as he was not fully awake. Aramine was administered and Adrenaline and Nor adrenaline infusion was commenced to treat the hypotension. A 12-lead ECG showed an ST elevation in the left inferior region of the heart. A catheter was also placed to monitor the urine output.
He was then directed to the cardiac catheterisation laboratory for an emergency coronary angiogram(study of the blood vessels). It was found that Mr. Smith had a complete blockage of the left anterior descending artery(LAD) and 80% of block in the left

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