Carbon Emission Issues.

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“Carbon emissions” is one of the main problems in this world. The emission of carbon into the atmosphere causes air pollution and global warming. Carbon is one of the major Pollutants in the atmosphere and the source of this carbon are fossil fuels burning, Deforestation and human activities. By these human activities the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere has been rising extensively during the last 150 years. There has been large increment in carbon concentrations in the atmosphere of about 280 rpm in 1850 to 364 rpm in 1998, mainly due to these human activities after industrial revolution. The concentrations of carbon in air around 1860 before the effects of industrialization were left, is assumed to have been about 290 parts per million. These carbon emissions are increased by 4% a year. Increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reinforces green house effect and is expected to result in a warming of earth’s surface. Carbon emissions climbing: During 2001, world carbon emissions from burning fuels continued their relentless upward trend, surpassing 6.5 billion tons. In the last 20 years the atmospheric concentration of carbon has increased at the unprecedented rate of 1.5 parts per million a year. In 1950 carbon emissions stood at 1.6 billion tons and by 1977 it had more than tripled to 4.9 billion tons. In 2000 carbon emissions approached to 6.5 billion tons. These increasing carbon concentrations trap more of earth’s heat and causing temperature to rise. The main causes for this emission of carbon are the human activities due to the combustion of fossil fuels and the rest is caused by changes in land use, principally deforestation. The intergovernmental panel on climate change telling that by the 2100 the carbon concentration range will be 650 to 970 parts per million. As a result the
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