Can We Have Beliefs or Knowledge Which Are Independent of Our Culture?

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From this question, there are a few key terms which are important. First culture, it can be traditions and customs, it could also be things which makes us better. Then we have knowledge, which can be defined as experience or perception. The assumption being made in the question is that knowledge and culture are linked together. However, there are ways which knowledge are not related to culture at all. There are many areas of knowing which requires culture as one of the basis. For example, social studies. History in specific, is a topic area which is based completely on culture because it basically studies the culture of a specific group, it even requires us to reflect or have our own opinion, and these opinions usually derives from our cultural experiences, hence showing how culture plays an important role in affecting out thoughts and knowledge. Human science is also an area which is culture-dependent, for example, psychology, the emotions and behavior of the human is sometimes dependent on culture. But in natural sciences, the knowledge we get is objective and more statistical, and it does not hinder with anyone’s culture, people from different cultural background would all agree to the same analysis, they would all collect the same data. For example, I did a chemistry experiment on acids and bases, and I compared my results to a friend who did the same thing in the UK, and the findings and results are quite similar, they don’t change due to the cultural background between us. Art can be argued both ways. Sometimes art reflects culture, for example in renaissance paintings, they reflect the culture and lifestyle of that period of time, however, it could be separated from culture if we are talking about abstraction paintings, they can be totally irrelevant of culture. If we look into literature, which is a branch of art specifically, both the author and

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