How can the text-linguistic theory solve the translation problems?

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University of Babes-Bolyai Faculty of Letters Applied Modern Languages Department Translation Theory and Techniques How can the text-linguistic theory solve the translation problems? Table of contents Introduction 3 First part 4 The text-linguistic approach 4 Second part 7 A. Problems what this theory solves 8 B. Problems what this theory does not solve 9 Conclusion 13 Bibliography 14 Annexes 15 Introduction Until nowadays many theories were born in the subject of translation, therefore this paper intends to answer one of the questions related to these theories: How can the text-linguistic approach solve the translation problems? This paper presents many examples which are annexed at the end of the work. For the writing of my paper I used the book of Katharina Reiss and of Neubert and Shreve, and many of my examples were told us in the Contemporary English Classes and in the Theory and Technique of Translation Classes. This work is separated into two parts: the first part presents very briefly the text-linguistic theory, while the second part gives us examples for problems what this theory solves and for problems what this theory does not solve. Beyond this, I also wanted to present the work of the translator because this job is not easy, as many people believe. Mona Baker says in her book: Throughout its long history, translation has never really enjoyed the kind of recognition and respect that other professions such as medicine and engineering. (Baker, Mona :2) And this job will be underestimated until people’s mentality change. Fortunately, in abroad it is more appreciated than here. I hope that who reads through this paper, s/he gets a satisfied answer for this question and understands that the translators have to learn very much too and their work is also important for the society, because within them people who speak

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