Can College Students Choose Their Own Course

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Can College Students Choose Their Own Course? As college students, many complain that they cannot choose subjects that they are interested in and that they have to follow classes they do not really need. Therefore, college students should have freedom to choose their own courses. Community College should let students choose their own courses to increase class attendance, decrease the number of people failing classes, and they will be responsible for what classes they choose. First, students are more interested in classes they were able to choose than classes counselors select for them. They will attend classes regularly and are more likely to pay attention and learn in class. Students will get better grades and that will make them happy. They will also focus more on their future careers. Secondly, students should get some advice from counselors so they will understand more about their major. When students choose a class that they are interested in, they will work harder to pass their class and that will decrease the number of students failing. If they are taking a class that is not interesting, that will cause students to give up on school easily. Students will not care about their career, attendance, and passing all classes. Third, college students will have to be responsible for classes they choose. They will put their effort into what they are learning. Students will be more interested in studying for tests, doing homework or taking a tutorial class. Student will also have a chance to choose dance classes, or music classes when they want to, as long as they pass all their classes. Students will not give up in school when they are interested in their classes. Some people say it is a bad idea to let students choose their own course because they will never succeed in their major. Students may choose only the easy courses and they will not prepare for their
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