Can An Early Bird Catch The Worm

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Is it sure that early bird catches the worm? It is often said that early bird catches the worm. It is the Chinese old saying. Through the thousands of years, people firmly believed it and it became the core value of domestic upbringing in China. I think more or less everyone has experienced the morning call by their parents and they will be told the real meaning of the saying: get up early and work hard or you’ll not be successful. I don’t want to totally deny the meaning of the saying but actually it may be not quite reasonable. It is no doubt that Chinese always put much emphasis on the importance of morning time such as the saying: An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. But what I want to say is that everybody had his or her own habit and we cannot say those who get up late do not work hard and cannot catch the worm. Perhaps it is just because their biological clock reversing their timetable. For them especially the writers, composers, and painters, an hour in the evening is worth two in the morning. Thousands of the wonderful articles, music and paintings are created by them during night time. If you force them to get up early, maybe nothing will be created. So, whether he or she gets up early may not be related to the level of hardworking and also to the success of his or her future. Besides, do you think that the bird getting up early can be sure to catch the worm? If all the birds get up early, it means that you will have more competitors. You may say you are willingly to receive the competition, but if your opponents are too strong to deal with, your arrogant must be mocked at. So, from this aspect it seems that the proper opportunity is much more important than how early you get up. I will set an example for you. My mum went to the bank at weekends and each time she came back, she would complain to me about so many people in the bank. In
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