Cache Level 2 Unit 1 D1 &D2

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D1 Statutory provisions in the UK such as health visiting services are available for children 5 years and under. Their primary role is to support mother and baby after birth. They’re normally run by a qualified nurse or midwife that visits families in their new home, give advice to parents about feeding, sleeping and safety etc. The health visitor works with children up to 5 years old. A different provision for children aged 5 years and under could be a crèche. This setting is owned privately and can offer care to children for just a session, or for a whole day. Some private provisions may only operate during term times, or they may choose to open all year round. The purpose of a crèche is to ensure and implement care, to babies and young children. D2 A statutory provision for children aged 5 to 7 years old is an infant school. Children must have education from this age. In school they follow Foundation Phase and National Curriculum. The main aim is to deliver a safe and secure setting for the children to attend each day, and to deliver high standard professional education to the children, in order for them to progress. Some infant schools may also have a nursery attached to them. Rainbows are a private club for children 5-7 years. It’s about developing self-confidence, learning new things and having fun, and costs around £2 per session. Rainbows are about kinaesthetic learning. They follow a programme in which they can learn to be eco-friendly, cooking and how to care for
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