Cache Level 2 Childcare and Aeaducation Unit 4

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Cache Level 2 Childcare and Education Unit 4 Children and Play D1 and D2 There are many different settings where children are able to develop their skills during play. Play occurs in any setting. Nursery Children play in nurseries; the age range is normally from six months to five years. Play for the older children is more structured. Children will be at different stages of play. From six months to two years children are in the solitary stage; they play alone, exploring their environment and not interested what others are doing. They enjoy games directed by adults such as peek-a-boo. From age two children are at the stage of parallel play; child is aware of other children but plays side by side and not join in with each other, for example; at the sandpit each child playing alone. From three years children develop associative play: the child interacts and is interested in others and may copy them. For example; dressing up games where one child copies another and dresses up themselves. By four children are in the stage of cooperative play; the child is interested in the other child and the activity and actively plays with them, for example; playing shops where the children talk about their role and decide who is shopkeeper or shopper. School Playground The typical age range for this type of setting in a primary school is between five to eleven years. After children are eleven they move onto secondary school where the age range is from eleven to sixteen years. The stage of play in this setting is cooperative play and by the age of seven most children will be able to play games with rules. For example; children getting together to have a kick about with the football where they will try to follow some of the football rules and have identified roles such as goalkeeper. At Home In the home most children will have many opportunities to play both
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