Byron and Auden Comparison

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Both Lord Byron’s ‘Stanzas for Music’ and W.H. Auden’s ‘Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone’ show similarities and differences throughout. The fact that they were written in variant time periods shows a clear result in the style of language. Auden shows a more modern approach using terms such as “The stars are not wanted now”. This gives the reader a sense of simplicity and that everything is as it comes. This reflects well on the poem being about the need for things to stop and for there to be no longer anything. As the poem was written in 1938, we appreciate the more modern feel as opposed to ‘Stanzas for Music’ as it was written in the years between 1788 and 1824. Lord Byron shows age within his writing using words such as “adore thee”. These words not only show a calm and loving feel, but in comparison to Auden, it shows the use of soft imagery opposed to harsh, which is portrayed by phrases such as ‘He is dead’. The difference in the type of imagery makes the reader more aware of the differences, especially with the tone of the poems being opposite to one another, beauty and lack of beauty. Byron portrays admiration well through his writing with the amount of emotion he uses. “Whose breast is so gently heaving”. This quote from ‘Stanzas for Music’ shows the beauty felt by Byron and the reader can see that he is trying to express the gentleness and beauty within what it is he’s describing, being a spectacular voice that has the power to stop what is natural in the world. The words ‘gently heaving’ stand out to the reader in this quote as they could be seen as contrasting things. If something is ‘heaving’ it is heavy and beginning to get out of control. Byron’s use of the word ‘gently’ with it gives a sense of calming. This helps the reader understand what he is trying to portray by calming what was once busy, just like the voice he is hearing. It is

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