Busyness Essay

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Cause-effect essay: Busyness is _______. Student essay (1) Busyness is a Series of Obligations Taking a birds-eye view of the metropolitans in the world, what holds one’s breath are not the magnificent sky-scrapers, but the hustle-bustle which permeates into every street and corner, to the farthest reach of your view. To what ends are the vehicles and their owners heading to? What about the endless phone calls and a tightened schedule? This essay tries to expound the cause of busyness, namely a series of obligations in men’s life. Busyness comes from obligations entailed by work. what drags a sleepy man out of his bed as early as 5:30 am.? Let the swarmed-up metro railways expose the truth. Holding tight on their brief cases, office workers dressed in assorted clothes were reluctantly engaged in an early metro line in order to travel from their suburban dwellings to their urban offices; in a mere hope to stay punctual. Once they arrive in their destinations, in their chairs with a cup of “perking-up”, what in their minds are not that they survived the over-crowded journey, but a signal telling them a day’s toll has just begun. Loads of unsolved documents, blue prints, presentations, arrangements, you name it. How on earth can they not be busy? To think obligations just in the sense of work is far too partial, and that from the family is what fetters people the most. Generally speaking, children and the elders are those who need elaborate and considerate care. It’s not an common to see parents break their neck in helping their children to achieve higher scores-cram schools, private tutoring, for which the parents are just too generous to pay. However, tuitions are not the only thing that causes strains, the health of the olds in a family is also not to be neglected. Sending old people who have troubles of walking to the hospitals, having them examined
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