Business That Would Strive If It Went E-Commerce

504 Words3 Pages
Hotel business is one of the businesses that would strive today if it went E commerce. E Commerce in a hotel business would provide online booking and website services that integrate directly with customers and all marketing circles attached to it. The most easily measured benefit from eBusiness is the cost savings associated with allowing customers to serve themselves. Its main advantage is the fact that it is not constrained by time nor physical facilities. Business can be conducted anytime, any day. One tool that is critical to e-business would be a hotel’s website. It would allow a hotel to showcase its products digitally to the globe. The benefits can be summarised as: • The opportunity to reduce costs of production by reducing overheads - for example, not having a retail outlet in a busy high street location with high rents, reducing stock costs etc • The opportunity to increase sales • The opportunity to access new markets across the globe • The chance to target market segments more effectively • Provide more accurate information and improve customer service experience • Improves the efficiency of the supply chain • Improve employee motivation through more flexible working methods • Allowing 24/7 access to the firm's products and services • Provides convenience and comfort for customers The Internet makes information transfer far easier and as a result, people are able to share information about goods and services and the quality of a company EFFECTIVE VALUE PROPOSITION A value proposition is the solution to your customer’s problem. It goes hand in hand with the problem you are solving. The customer walks in with a problem, and walks out with a solution. The solution then is not your product or service, but the solution your product or service provides. ie: the end result, the value given to the customer. Value proposition is the

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