Business Ethics Application in Work Settings

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Definition of Business Ethics: Business ethics are ethics that refer to the moral rules and regulations governing the business world. In other words, they are the moral values that guide the way corporations or other business make decisions. Code Of Business Ethics: A code of business ethics is guidelines that is written and issued by an organization or company to its workers and management, to help them conduct their actions in accordance with the primary values and ethical standards. A code of business ethics is designed to function as expected norms of practice within an organization. The code provides clearly defined expectations for members of the organization. The code of ethics is designed to reinforce the core values of a company, energizing a culture of ethical decision making and responsibility among management and employees. Business management is the key to introduce, adopt and implement business ethics. Managers must first lead by example and then instill the ethics and the resulting culture into employees. This is done by providing real-world, day-to-day examples to employees as to how they must think about and exercise the code of ethics. Business ethics can be applied or practiced in the workplace through writing policies and procedures concerning ethics. Components of Business Ethics: 1. Conduct Employees must not only treat others with respect, but exhibit appropriate behavior in all facets of the job. That includes wearing proper attire, using language that’s considered suitable around the office and conducting themselves with professionalism. Every company enforces its own specific rules on conduct, and typically makes them extremely clear in employee handbooks and training manuals. 2. Integrity A key component to workplace ethics and behavior is integrity, or being honest and doing the right thing at all times. For example,

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