Business Combination Essay

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Business Combinations: Business combinations are defined as different forms of organizations formed by two or more corporations in order to integrate their activities under common ownership and management. Consolidated Financial Statements: Financial statements prepared by a parent company that exercises a controlling influence over one or more subsidiaries based on the assumptions that they are on entity and that all relevant inter-company transactions are eliminated. The preparation of consolidated financial statements is limited to business combinations involving parent/subsidiary relationship, and all intercompany transactions are eliminated. Pre-acquisition contingencies: Are defined as probable contingent gains or losses realized or incurred by a subsidiary which may have been either recorded or unrecorded by the subsidiary on the acquisition date. 1. Examples include threatened litigations, pending litigations, threatened expropriation of assets. 2. Recorded contingencies are already taken into consideration on the acquisition date. 3. The impact of unrecorded contingencies should be recognized and dealt with as wither an increase or decrease of concerned assets and liabilities accounts depending on its nature. a. Increasing the amount of the food will by paying for an unrecorded contingent loss. b. Decreasing the amount of the goodwill by collecting the amount of an unrecorded contingent gain. Joint Venture: A business combination involving a joint venture to be established by two or more companies that aim to pool their common interest in specific types of activities, in order to increase its related cost and operating efficiency and also to reduce the magnitude of relevant operating risks. Therefore, the combining entities maintain their independence as separate legal entities, while sharing the costs and benefits of their joint venture.
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