Buoyancy-Lab Report

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1.Design 1.1 Defining the problem and selecting the variables In this investigation I aspired to figure out how the buoyancy of an object depends on the volume of water it displaces. My research question therefore is: How does the change of an object's weight in water depend on its volume. More precisely How does the buoyancy of an object depend on the volume it covers in water. My variables were: Independent variable: The volume of an object. Dependent variable: The buoyancy of the objects. Control Variables: 1)The liquid I used. 2)The way the objects were dipped into the water. 3)The density of the object being held in the water. 1.2 Controlling the variables I used the following apparatus for the experiment: 1.A bucket filled with water. 2.A weight bar with additional weights that can be put on. 3.A weight 4.A ruler 5.A stand for the weight to be hanged on My independent variable was determined by the volume of my weight bar, I measured the volume by measuring its height with a ruler and then finding the area of its surface area. I manipulated the volume of the object by adding additional weight. This consistently increased the objects height by 0.4cm so that I could determine my volumes easily. My dependent variable was determined in two phases. First I would measure the object's weight using a weight and then while the object was in water, because it was held by the weight on a hook I could then also measure the object' weight with the same weight. The original weight of the object minus its weight in water would then equal to the buoyancy of the object. The control variables were determined like this: 1) I used water only. 2) The objects were held in so that their entire volume was in the water. 3) I suspect that if the density is too small a

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