Building Team Adaptive Capacity: the Roles of Sensegiving and Team Composition

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The paper “Building Team Adaptive Capacity: The Roles of Sensegiving and Team Composition” presents an attempt to describe the mechanism through which reactive strategy adaptation is built in small teams. This study presents several hypotheses that explain relationships between factors that drive the formation of mental models and other behavioral adaptive mechanisms. Most of the hypotheses presented in the paper are interesting to discuss. For example, the authors propose that external sensegiving leads to more similar and accurate strategy mental models in the team and that team cognitive ability composition is positively related to the similarity and accuracy of team strategy mental models. In the simulation game, members of our team clearly possessed different mental models at the early stages of the game. This was realized as strategic decision making was a difficult process that required a lot of effort, compromises and time. External sensegiving - as depicted by information presented by the simulation game – and team cognitive ability helped in generating similar and more accurate mental models regarding the generation of reactive strategy adaptation. As the game contained several rounds, degree of decision effectiveness in past rounds was used, whether intentionally or subconsciously, to reevaluate the way external sensegiving was interpreted and processed. This, in turn, helped shaping similar and more accurate mental models as team psychological collectivism was building up. The model presented in this paper offers a great analytical description of the mechanism of decision making we experienced in the simulation game. One can suggest the application of the model presented in this paper in sports played in teams, such as football. Although football teams are large compared to the teams for which this study was performed, however, similar patterns can be

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