Building Cohesive Teams That Perform Well

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TEAM BUILDING To build and develop cohesive team’s business organisations will at the outset try to recruit the right mix of team members, train them well and put in place coaching, mentoring and monitoring processes to help them perform better Recruitment The recruitment process will involve identifying the skills, qualities and competences that will be required in new potential team members (Job analysis) From the job analysis, a person specification will be drawn setting out all the qualifications and qualities needed Induction This will consist of a series of activities put in place in order to introduce new employees to the organisation, its existing members, working practices and in some cases their new roles The induction process will include showing the new employee/employees where all the facilities (toilets, first aid, canteen recreation, etc.) are located, outlining employer/employees working terms and conditions, health and safety requirements and a clear explanation outlining of the job/role requirements and how they will fit in with the existing team, an introduction to the various departments and other team members they will be working with Training Business organisations will put in place teamwork training activities which could involve carrying out real or simulated tasks that can relate to specific work situations or tasks that are specific to them Experiential Learning uses real life experience and reflection to enhance learning The Experiential Learning cycle consists of the following stages: Experience- Awareness- Reflection Theory- Action - Experience By applying these stages, teams and individuals can learn to enhance performance Coaching and mentoring This will involve an experienced individual giving advice and support to a new team member helping them become more effective leading to increased levels of performance and

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