Bronfenbrenner Essay

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Running Head: BRONFENBRENNER ANALYSIS Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory of Development HS5002-Survey of Research in Human Development and Behavior Abstract This research paper explains and analyzes Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory of development. It in detail describes each level: microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem. After reviewing the literature, the learner felt that it was the microsystem that was most influential on her life but that all levels played an important role in her becoming an adult learner striving for her master’s degree. The learner discusses different aspects of her life as a child that are relevant to different levels of the ecological theory and relates it to her decision to obtain a master’s degree as an adult. Development is defined as the orderly and sequential changes that occur with the passage of time as an organism moves from conception to death. Developmental psychology is defined as the branch of psychology that deals with how individuals change with time while remaining in some respects the same (Zanden et al., 2007). Developmental psychologists have been seeking ways to determine how we change and the changes that take place during our lives as we develop. Urie Bronfenbrenner develops a theory that involves how a person and their ecological environment interact and the influence that a person’s environment plays in their development. Bronfenbrenner is most famous for his views on ecological psychology. He suggests that interactions with others and the environment are keys to development and that we all experience more than one type of environment (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory consists of 4 levels of influence. The microsystem, such as family, classroom, etc. is the immediate
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