British Colonialism Essay

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British Colonialism and the Marginalization of the Malays in Penang Ariffin Omar School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang Email ABSTRACT This paper will examine the impact of British colonialism on the Malay community in Penang. I will begin with the advent of British colonialism. The severing of Penang from Kedah and the political ramification of such an event. The emergence of Penang as a British outpost and its use by the British to control and influence events in the northern Malay states will be touched upon. The impact of British colonialism on the Malay community in Penang especially on the distortion of its characteristics will be dealt with. How did the Malay community fit itself into the colonial mould will be looked into. Did colonialism led to the marginalization of the Malay community in the various spheres will be examined. The emergence of a plural society in Penang with all the features and values of a cosmopolitan society must have had an impact on the Malay community. What was this impact? Was it negative or positive? Where were they Malays to be found? What sort of settlement patterns did the Malay choose to reside in? Were they all rural? Or urban or semi urban? What sort of occupation attracted the early Malays? Why or what caused them to be within the kind of occupational sector and what were the cultural and political changes that affected the Malay community? British Colonialism and the Marginalization of the Malays in Penang In order to understand how British colonialism affected the Malay community in Penang we have to look into the implications of the colonization of the island by Francis Light an English country trader. The Sultan of Kedah in his negotiations with Light offered to lease the island to the East India Company with the hope of obtaining protection from the British
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