Bringing Up Children With Moral Values Ingrained i

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bringing up children with moral values. what is more important –the academic success of a child or a morally sound child with good sanskaras In today’s world, trends such as materialism, selfishness, incidents of violence, cut throat competition etc are on the rise in our society as such which is definitely influencing our children also. The kind of innocence that children had in our times is fast disappearing in our kids, which is being replaced by self conceited kids who are only bothered about their own growth. This is just not theoretical but I am actually experiencing this with my kids and their peers. This trend is not very healthy, because to have a progressive country and to have a happy life our kids need to develop certain moral values such as peace, love, satisfaction, tolerance, sharing, cooperation, respect for elders etc This is a hard job which needs our constant effort in the form of healthy time spent with our children and by making them believe that whatever we are trying to preach them is actually the way of our life also, we don’t have to be very vocal rather our attitude towards dealing with such problems would inspire them positively taking them away from the negative influences. I agree that to inspire them to do very well in academics and other activities is very important, I am also doing this but this should not be the sole criteria of their goodness quotient .Their efforts to become sensitive and good human beings should be encouraged like any other effort . Sometimes we , parents punish our children on their low performance in exams by taking away their most valuable thing from them, which is the worst form of parenting. To counteract the negative influences on our kids we need to create a harmonious atmosphere at home which includes cooperation between various members of the household ,The most important way by which we can
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