Brief Essay - Approach of Classical Music

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My approach to how I “read” the medium of Classical Music? I have been a fan of classical music since my early twenty’s where I discovered its magical supremacy while pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree at Warner Pacific College in the early 80’s. I was first introduced to classical music by a classmate who told me “it would help me study.” To my surprise he was right! Quite amazing considered my nickname given by fellow team members on the WPC basketball team was “disco.” I have continued to enjoy the brilliance and wonderful ability of classical music to calm my mind, allowing for clear thoughts to arise. As I listen to Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125 "Choral” performed by the London Symphony I am constantly reminded of it beauty. Classical music needs no introduction; it's part of my everyday life. As I devote a more time to listening to it I have developed a more discerning ear and a variety of lens to “read” it through. Many years ago, it was suggested to me that if I wanted to listen to classical music critically I would need to do the following: 1. Listen actively and patiently. 2. Determine what kind of piece you are listening to: sonata, symphony, concerto or tone poem. Learn the differences between these forms. 3. Listen for a theme and variations on that theme threading through the music. Each movement within a piece has its own structure, but each one typically elaborates on the same theme. 4. Consider which instruments are used at what point in the piece. Try to determine why the composer might have chosen those instruments. This form of active listening would employ the lens of New Criticism and for me takes away the simple enjoyment that I get by “reading” it with a Reader-Response lens which is how I approach 90% of the classical music I listen to. I enjoy the simplicity and pure enjoyment of the Reader-Response by subjectively allowing the

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