Brain Injury Essay

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Unit 2.Exercise 1: Real World Case Studies of Brain Injury GE375 Amy Banko July 3, 2014 Unit 2 Exercise 1: Real World Case Studies of Brain Injury Back in 1977 a 25 year old male came to the hospital with profound memory problems. After being admitted, it was discovered that Greg F. was this musically, intelligent; male that .and was suffering from amnesia. He was an active user of the drugs of the 60’s. Upon further investigation it was discovered that the patient had a benign tumor that went from his frontal lobe to his temporal lobe (Sacks, 2011). Due to the tumor and his use of drugs, many brain processes and cognitive behavior were affected. The temporal lobes are involved in the primary organization of sensory input. The temporal lobes are also highly associated with memory. Which is why Greg couldn’t remember any events passed 1970. Damage to the temporal lobes caused the brain from registering any new events that had happened. The frontal lobe is involved in motor function, problem solving, spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgment, impulse control, and social and sexual behavior, Greg was unable to carry on a normal conversation and was found to not make sense of what was trying to be communicated. Greg’s hypothalamus was also destroyed, and explains the reason for his blindness (Carpenter & Huffman, 2011). This case study led to scientific knowledge of how that specific brain regions function by Doctors and physiologists being able to study Greg and use the findings to share with other people in the science community. Oliver Sacks discovered, even though Greg lost a great portion of his brain, that when music played Greg would become more alive, more engaged in life, especially when music like the Grateful Dead or other music from that era would be played (Sacks, 2011). References Carpenter, S., & Huffman, K.
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