Bp and the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

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BP AND THE GULF OF MEXICO OIL SPILL Case Introduction and Background BP former known as British Petroleum is a British multinational oil and gas company. By the end of the twentieth century as drilling moved further offshore, BP became the dominant producer in the Gulf of Mexico. This is due to significant discoveries in deeper waters and this is linked with substantial rewards and risks. Former CEO John Browne pushed BP to generate return on investments by cost-cutting and tough financial targets for each top-manager of the company. In 2007 Tony Hayward took over as a CEO and boosted productivity and profits. As a result of several safety incidents, the reputation and financial results of BP suffered. The worst of those incidents was the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on the Deepwater Horizon in 2010. A series of coincidences led to the explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. This costs 11 lives and until it was capped, sea-floor oil gusher flow for 87 more days. Analysis of the issue BP failure or industry accident Drilling for oil is risky and dangerous and the sort of bad luck that hit BP could also have hit any other oil company. Anyway some mismanagement and classic failure of leadership have supported the disaster. BP claimed to be very focused on safety, but the cost-cuttings were very contradictory and therefore led to low safety standards and neglected maintenance. BP had failed to implement its highest safety standards, known as the operating management system (OMS) in the Gulf of Mexico, even though the company had acknowledged deepwater drilling in that region represented one of the highest risk activities. Also when introducing new processes they were not probably addressed due to lack in communication and the primary focus on profit. An inexperienced leadership had an impact on wrong decision-making and did not consider
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