Boys Read Less Than Girls

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Over time, girls have performed better than boys in school in all subjects. Girls outperform boys in reading and English, boys traditionally outperform girls in science and math. Boys in grades k-12 tend to read the most when they absolutely have to, girls tend to read for entertainment. Another reason why boys tend to read less than girls is because they are more spatial and kinesthetic learners. Lastly researchers think that boys and girls have different cognitive processes that make girls better at English and reading and boys better at science and math. Overall, boys tend to read less than girls in grades k-12 because of boys being forced to read, the way they learn is different than that of girls, and lastly cognitive development of boys and girls are different. In grades K-12 the teachers tend to make the students read stories that may not peak interest to the boys or even to the girls. Boys seem to be pushed into reading stories they do not like and in the long run be bad for them because they will not read later in life. In the Washington post, Strauss states, “ In the recent research boys want to read books that are more informational texts; magazines and newspaper articles. Also they like to read about hobbies, sports, or things of their interest.” Most of the boys refuse to read anything about girls, such as stories of princess and romance. The schools have set standards on what books and what criteria needs to be met for certain grades, making it harder for the boys to focus on the reading. Merisuo-Storm states, “when asked why boys will not read books outside of class they say things such as, it is boring, I have no time, there are other better activities than reading or the excuse that they can not get into the story.” If a boy was handed a sports illustrated that they are interested in they would take their time and read that rather than their
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