Book Review. The Mysterious Affairs At Styles

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Book Review: The Mysterious Affairs at Styles The book that I have read and liked the most is called The Mysterious Affairs at Styles. It’s a detective novel by Agatha Christie first published in 1920th in the UK. Agatha Christie is a famous English crime writer of novels, short stories and plays. She also wrote romances but still is best remembered for her 80 detective novels and successful plays. Agatha Christie is also known all over the world as the Queen of Crime. The Mysterious Affairs at Styles is Christie’s first published novel. The story is set in England during World War 1 at Styles Court. The main character in the story is a famous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot. Poirot is perhaps Agatha Christie's most interesting and endearing character. He is very smart, observant and extremely punctual. He has dark hear and very stiff military moustache. I admire his cleverness and advertence. He’s my favorite character. The story is told from the first person by Captain Hastings. His friend John Cavendish offers him a stay at his house, called Styles. Hastings accepts and so they go there. Then Hastings is introduced to the other members of the household, which include Mr. Inglethorp, the new husband of Mrs. Cavendish. No one likes him, except his wife, and no one trusts him. Naturally, when Mrs. Inglethorp is murdered everyone suspect him. And then Hercule Poirot appears in the story to investigate the crime. Everyone is frightened by the murder and nobody knows who the real criminal is. Later, Poirot discovers that it was Alfred Inglethorp with his cousin Evelyn Howard who has poisoned his wife for profiting. This case was Poirot’s first in England, and it began his long career there. The novel truly shows the heartless things that people may do for money. But, at the same time, the book entertains and amuses because while reading we always try
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