The Sun And The Moon Short Story

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The Cycle of the Sun and the Moon (A Manobo Folktale) by: Alonzo F. Santos Charaters: Sun, two children, Moon Setting: home of Sun and Moon A long time ago, only the sun rode to the sky. His wife, the Moon, stayed at home and tended the children and their farm. The Moon loved their two children. One cloudy day when the Sun was home, the Moon had to go to the River for water. The Sun looked lovingly at his children and he had never before been able to really know them of even get near them. He moaned and cried. Suddenly he remembered what her wife had told him that he would not touch the children. Soon after the Moon returned. On her head she was carry a water jar and carried a bundle of freshly cut gabi leaves on her hand. She turned to look for her children and she was shocked that she find her lovely brown babies become ashes. He screams and lamentation reached her husband…show more content…
However, as soon as the Moon saw him her wailing become louder. The moon would not be comforted. Her approaches increased in intensity and in the end the Sun got angry. Horrified and enraged, the Sun seized the gabi leaves and threw them in his wife face and dashed out of the house. When he returned very late at night his ill temper was gone. He regretted having shouted at his wife and found out that the house was dark and empty. His wife, had fled, but glimmer of pinpoints of lights in the distance told him where he was. So started the endless cycle of the Sun chasing the moon and The Moon fleeing from the sun. The Moon is forever with her children. Now and then a shooting star break across the path of the Moon. It is nothing more than an attempt from her husband to make her two children return to him. A Tale of Marinduque By: Alfonso P. Santos Characters: Maring, Duque, Three Kings, Father of Maring Setting: Small Island Kingdom In a small island kingdom there
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