Bonding Lab Essay

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Chemistry I-1 October 27, 2012 Chemistry 1: Bonding Lab Atoms are the essential ingredients in all types of matter. They depend on other atoms to link through chemical bonds from strong attractive forces that exist between the atoms. Being introduced to this lab allowed me to get a better understanding of what a chemical bond is and the various interactions that occur within atoms. The electrons that are in chemical bonds are valence electrons that occur in an atom’s outermost shell. When the two atoms come together they interact and can also repel, but become attracted to the protons inside the atoms. The different types of chemical bonds include ionic bond, non-polar covalent bond, polar covalent bond, and network covalent bond. The first unknown substance is sand and the formula of sand is SiO2. The type of bonding for sand is network covalent. This type of bond is one of the strongest intermolecular forces and occurs when many atoms are bonded in a network. In station 2, it had to deal with solubility in water and when the unknown substances were dispensed into the water would they dissolve or stay the same. The sand was insoluble and did not dissolve when it was placed in water because of how high sand’s composition is. Station 5 had to do with the hardness of the unknown substances and sand was determined hard because of its granular material composed of rock and mineral particles. Station 7 deals with volatility and if the substances are able to evaporate at normal temperatures. Sand was non-volatile its great composition and able to withstand anything because of its strong particles. From the results of sand, it is determined network covalent because it has high melting point and boiling points and is insoluble in water. The secondary substance is salt and its formula is written as NaCl. Salt is an ionic bond, which is a type of chemical bond that

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