Bo-Bo Doll Experiment

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Tammy Negrette March 23, 2013 Criminal Psychology Bandura Bo-Bo Doll Experiment Albert Bandura theory is that individuals learn behaviors and aggressive behaviors by watching others peoples behaviors. In Bandura’s experiment with the Bo-bo doll the children observe an adult beating the doll because it is an adult they think it is OK so in, turn they repeat the same behavior. Albert Bandura heavily debates that most children will learn and repeat aggressive and especially violent behaviors by observing others who display aggressive and violent types of behaviors. Bandura argues that they will copy the behaviors if watch through personal acts of others, seen in the media or by entertainment observations. Bandura also argues that while children can learn this behavior in the home by watching family members who maybe aggressive or violent and then acting on what they see. Albert Bandura does not believe that individuals inherit violent tendencies, nor are they genetic factor involved. He feels they are copied from the three principles listed above. (Bandura, 1976: p.204). As for myself, I do agree that children will copy certain behaviors of adults around them as well as some of their siblings or other peers. In addition, some behaviors may be learned. However, when an individual continues to display and manifest these types of behaviors such as aggression and violence in their life from childhood into young adulthood then adulthood, I feel it cannot be just a learned behavior. What would happen if children are put in a room to watch an adult smoke cigarettes then a video of several adults smoking. Then right after they are put in a room alone with a bunch of cigarettes and lighters a few toys? Most likely they are going to try smoking! This does not mean they are going to be smokers! This is a learned behavior! They are mimicking or imitating just like any
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