Blessings Of A Homebirth

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Blessings of a Homebirth Deborah Colyer Composition I – 135 Anna Cates November 7, 2009 Homebirth was not uncommon many years ago. Midwives acted as the primary caregiver to monitor the mother and baby. My sister-in-law played a part with my decision to have my firstborn at home. She had her second child a homebirth and said it was the most blessed experience a mother could encounter. I saw my doctor on a regular basis and told him my plans to have my baby at home. The preparations began with my sister-in-law helping me. We gathered the ingredients to make ready for the herbal bath. The herbal bath will be taken soon after the baby is born. The linen needed to be sterilized and wrapped and ready for when the time arrived for the birth. Getting everything ready helped keep my days occupied while waiting for that special day to arrive. The day finally came. The pains began late afternoon on December 10, 1980. My sister-in-law arrived and made ready for the birthing. The bed was carefully made with the linen we had gotten ready for the birth. The only light in the room was candlelight. It was the most beautiful atmosphere to be relaxed while I was dealing with the pains. After a few hours of labor my daughter was born early morning on December 11, 1980. Her father was beside me the whole time. He cut the umbilical cord with sterile scissors. The herb bath was prepared and my daughter and I had our first bonding moment. There are no words to explain this feeling. It was the most blessed experience I had ever

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