Bless Me Ultima Symbol Essay

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Bless Me, Ultima In Class Essay The symbol of the golden carp helps develop the theme that people often have to reconcile the complexities of experience, culture, and religion in order to create a sense of moral independence. When Antonio has his first encounter with the golden carp he is unsure is he should believe in it so he asks Ultima for advice, she replied, “I cannot tell you what to believe. Your father and mother can tell you because you are their blood, but I cannot. As you grow into manhood you must find your own truths” (119). In this quote Ultima tells Antonio that it is up to him to figure out what he believes. Although it is likely for him to share similar beliefs to his parents as a child, when he reaches “manhood” he will need to make his own decisions. Ultima wants Antonio to be his own person and not follow everyone else. Later on when it is time for Antonio’s first communion he is filled with anticipation that his answers pertaining to the golden carp’s existence and life will be answered. He is in utter disbelief when nothing of the sort occurred and contemplated, “A thousand questions pushed through my mind, but the voice within me did not answer. There was only silence. Perhaps I had not prepared right. I opened my eyes” (221). At this point Antonio is even more confused; all of this time and hard work he had put into trying to understand God was useless. He had not just literally opened his eyes, but he figuratively as well. Antonio now “see’s” his suspicious of the Lord are confirmed. He did feel disappointment when this occurred because he wanted to dearly to believe in Him to make his mother happy; but now instead of listening to the séances about God and his mother’s strong beliefs in Him, he is taking his own experiences into consideration. While Antonio is running home from his uncle’s farm to warn Ultima of Tenorio’s threats he

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