Biology Lab- Different Sources of Catalyses Are Tested for Their Effect on Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

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Aim: different sources of catalyses are tested for their effect on hydrogen peroxide solution Apparatus: • 6 Conical flasks • 6 Measuring cylinder • Bunsen burner • 10 Wooden splint • Hydrogen peroxide solution • 3 small liver pieces • 3 small potato pieces • 3 small celery pieces Procedure: a Measure 25 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide solution into each of three conical flasks. b At the same time, add a small piece of liver to the first flask, a small piece of potato to the second flask, and a small piece of celery to the third flask. c Hold a glowing splint in the neck of each flask. d Note the time taken before each glowing splint is re-lit by the evolved oxygen. Biology method Get the grown watercress and cut it into the 8 square/circles, as to fit into the petri dishes Place the cut watercress (with the cotton) into the petri dish Mark the petri dishes A, B, C, D Using the weighing scale, weigh each petri dish and note its weight on a table Place the lamp in a stationary position and cut out a piece of tape to mark its position in case it moves Place the 4 petri dishes at certain distances away from the lamp (10cm, 50cm, 1m, 1.5m) Every day, for at least three days, come and weigh each petri dish and see how the distance of the lamp affects the growth, according to weight change Note the weight in a table and then come to the conclusion, write up,

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