Biology Crab Data

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Biology Field Trip Crab IA Research Question Does the abiotic environment in the upper shore and lower shore affect the distribution of Uca Crassipes and Uca Lactea. Hypothesis I predict there will be more Uca Crassipes at the upper shore as they are brighter in colour with bright red craws and there are more shade at the upper shore which can protect them from predators. The shaded part is also less exposed, with more colours on the ground. This makes the Uca Crassipes seem like other things from the sky and easier to hide from predators. I also predict there will be a higher population of Uca Lactea at the lower shore. Although there are less shade at the lower shore Uca Lactea are white in colour, giving itself a good camouflage to protect themselves from predators as predators might mistaken Uca Lactea as pebbles. Uca Lactea will be easier to hunt compare to Uca Crassipes as red is a natural warning colour – warning predators they might be dangerous. And Uca Lactea are white in colour, and white spots are easier to spot compare to red spots. Therefore Uca Lactea is more likely to be hunted. Raw Data Quadrat No. | Upper Shore | Lower Shore | | No. of Uca Crassipes | No. of Uca Lactea | No. of Uca Crassipes | No. of Uca Lactea | 1 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 9 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 5 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Average: | (2+3+2+2+3+0)/6 = 2 | (1+3+2+0+0+1)/6= 1.16 | (0+3+0+0+0+0)/6= 0.5 | (1+9+5+7+6+1)/6 = 4.8 | Standard Deviation: | 1 | 1.06718737 | 1.118033989 | 2.967415636 | Upper shore Uca Crassipes: One quadrat (0.5mx0.5m) =2 Uca Crassipes / (0.5mx0.5m) (10mx10m)/(0.5x0.5) x 2 = 800 * make a graph * calculate standard deviation * t-test * environment data (hear/feel/see) Conclusion *agree or not to hypothesis

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