Biology - Coverage Of Clover Plants

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Clover Plant Investigation Abstract The hypothesis for this investigation is that clovers are more abundant in areas with more sun coverage than areas without sun coverage or little sun coverage. This is tested by counting the amount of clover plants in 1m 2 quadrants and seeing the coverage they have in that quadrant, the results are compared; the quadrants in the sun are compared to the quadrants in the shade. The sunlight did affect the number of clovers and the coverage in a 1m2 quadrants, quadrants in shaded areas showed significantly less clovers and coverage. Introduction The background theory is that certain plants rely on the sun more than others and will not grow as much in areas where there is little amounts of sunlight. The hypothesis is that the clover plants will not grow as much in the shade as they will in the sun. This is testable as quadrants from sunny areas and shaded areas can be looked at and the findings of those quadrants recorded and the data compared. The independent variable is the amount of sunlight a quadrant gets and the dependent variable is the amount of clover plants and their coverage inside the quadrant. The size of the quadrants stays constant throughout the experiment and the size of the paper used to find the clover coverage stays constant at 10cm2 throughout the experiment. If the results show that sunny quadrants have more clovers in them the hypothesis is supported but if the results show shaded areas have more clovers the hypothesis is not supported. Materials and Method To test the hypothesis an experiment must be carried out that shows the amount of clovers in sunny areas and shaded areas. To do this 10 random quadrants are marked out on a map of the population area, some in shade and some in sunlight. Then the quadrants must be checked for the amount of clover plants inside and the coverage. To find this out

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